ME 495 Sawyer Tic Tac Toe Project

The project task involved programming the Sawyer robotic arm to be able to play tic tac toe with a human player. This involved 4 main tasks: computer vision, AI, motion planning, and force control.

  • Computer vision was tasked for determining what the current state of the gameboard was and converting it to an array.
  • AI took that array and determined the cell coordinate that would provide the robot with the best next move.
  • Motion planning got the dry erase marker to the targeted cell, drew a shape, and returned to the camera configuration.
  • During motion planning, force feedback is control the Y coordinate of the dry erase marker. If the marker is not being pressed hard enough on the whiteboard, the Y coordinate is lowered which applies more force. If the marker is being pressed too hard, the Y coordinate is raised which reduces the applied force.